Join Us

Interested about your local environment, environmental science and wildlife? 
As all our members agree, joining kindred spirits for an evening or day of wildlife and environmental edification and entertainment is one of the best tonics you can have.

We don't charge for attending lectures or field trips (unless there are entrance or coach charges) as we believe that we are there to share nature together, and not to act as a fund raising group for a larger organization.
If you would like to join the Cardiff Naturalists Society, please send a completed form and the membership fee to the Membership Secretary or Treasurer:

You can now also pay by inter-bank transfer.

Our details: NatWest Account No. 27039099, Sort Code 54-21-33.
Please reference Cardiff Naturalists' Society  and give names of members for whom you are making the payment. Please also return a completed membership form to the Membership Secretary.

Privacy Statement: -

The Cardiff Naturalists' Society takes your privacy seriously and will only use your personal information to administer your membership. We will hold your name, address, membership renewal status and if you opt in to provide it, your email address will use that to send you newsletters and reminders of events that we are organizing or are involved with as a Society, or to remind you for membership renewal. This is only accessible by those council members who perform the duties of membership secretary, treasurer and publicity. 

We do not automatically process your information or share your information with any other groups or organizations.

You have the right, subject to proof of identity, to review and request removal or rectification of any information that we hold and can do this via the membership secretary or publicity officer

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