Sunday, February 10, 2013

Request from Flat Holm Island Society


I am writing on behalf of Flat Holm Island society.

In Cardiff Council's budget proposals for 2013/14 it is proposed to “Cease Operation of Flat Holm Island and Consider Options for its Disposal”.

Flat Holm Island is a valuable community and educational resource to the People of Cardiff and surrounding areas. The island is a Site of Special Scientific Interest, Local Nature Reserve and a Special Protection Area, because of the maritime grassland and rare plants such as Rock Sea-Lavender, Wild Leek and Wild Peony. During Spring and Summer the island is also home to a significant breeding colony of Lesser Black-backed Gulls and is also home to slow worms, common lizards and Peregrine Falcons. Historical features on the island include the remains of a cholera hospital and Victorian and WWII gun batteries.

The council are proposing to cease operation of Flat Holm Island at a time when they planning to increase the spending on Senior Management at the council by £1.1 Million!
We would appreciate it if you could bring this matter to the attention of your members and encourage them to show their support by doing the following:

Show your support by signing our petition at:
Write to Cardiff Council voicing your concerns -
Cardiff Council
County Hall
Atlantic Wharf
CF10 4UW

You can also follow our progress by liking our Save Flat Holm Island facebook page.

I hope that you are able to support us and pass this message on to your members.

Kind regards
Jo Morgan

Grants and Fundraising Officer
Flat Holm Island Society
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