About us

The Cardiff Naturalist's Society is the premier local wildlife society in this area and has many opportunities for you to be engaged and entertained. Unlike many other national organization that have local groups we are truly locally focussed and have been for over 145 yeas now

We don't charge for attending lectures or field trips (unless there are entrance or coach charges) as we belive that we are there to share nature together, and not act as a fund raising group for a larger organization

Regular lecture meetings are held in the UWIC Llandaff Campus on Western Avenue, Cardiff.

Topics cover all aspects of Wildlife, The Environment, Geology and related interests. With a mix of talks on local places both in and around Cardiff and the wider world. They are suitable for all levels of knowledge. Time beforehand allows members to chat and socialise. An annual Members evening allows members show their own slides and specimens in a highly informal and friendly setting

Mae cyfarfodydd darlithio cyson yn cael eu cynnal yn theatr darlithio Therapi Llefaru ystafell S.T.04 ar gampws Llandaf U.W.I.C. ar Rhodfa'r Gorllewin, Caerdydd.Pynciau a drafodir fydd:- Bywyd Gwyllt, Yr Amgylchedd, Daeareg a phynciau tebyg. Bydd hefyd, trafodaethau yn ymwneud a lleoliadau o gwmpas Caerdydd a'r byd eang yn gyffredinol. Maent yn addas at bob lefel o wybodaeth.

Bydd amser o flaen llaw i aelodau gael sgwrs a chymdeithasu. Mae noson aelodaeth blynyddol yn rhoi cyfle i aelodau ddangos eu lluniau a sbesimenau mewn awyrgylch anffurfiol a chartrefol.

snow scene in East Cardiff

It's going to be cold outside again this winter - why not join us for an evening discussing spring flowers or summer holidays !

Field meetings are held throughout the year, particularly in spring and summer. They vary from half-day to weekend excursions and visit a wide range of localities. On many there is a formal guide, but on others the members help each other out as we've many of skills between us and there is usually plenty of expertise on hand to help with identification.

Cynhelir cyfarfodydd maes, drwy gydol y flwyddyn, yn enwedig yn ystod y gwanwyn a'r haf. Maent yn amrywio o hanner dydd i wibdeithiau penwythnosol yn ymweld a gwahanol mathau o leoliadau.Bydd arweinydd swyddogol yn bressenol, ond nid bob tro. Bydd cyfle i aelodau hogi'r pensilau a rhannu eu gwybodaeth ymysg eu gilydd. Fel arfer, mae 'na ddigon o wybodaeth arbenigol wrth law.

Peacock Butterfly in Cefn Mabley Woods

Peacock Butterfly photgraphed on a walk in Cefn Mabley Woods
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