Sunday, November 25, 2012

2 New events for the Programme

2 new outdoor events are now are on the programme and will have details in forthcoming newsletters 

Sunday                   April  21
The trees of Cefn Onn park with tree expert Tony Titchen
Saturday                May  18
Brynna Woods with Mark Steer

Reserve the dates... 

Why Life is Tough For Tits in Bute Park

Dr Peter Ferns (formerly of Cardiff University, but just as active a researcher in retirement) entertained the first Joint meeting of theWWTSW, University Wildsoc and the Cardiff Naturalists Society

The talk was a summary of the research he has been doing in the past few years on the breeding success (and lack of it) of the Bue Tits and Great Tits in the northern section of the park, and comparisons with the results from other researchers in other areas.

The simple answer is lack of catterpillars, the detail behind that will be published in due course

Monday, November 5, 2012

Underwater photos: Britain and the Maldives

Award winning photographer and local expert on marine life Cate Barrow once again entertained us with a fantastic talk illustrated with stunning images of underwater life.

Cate entertained us with a series of pictures from home and way. The fascinating collection of shapes and forms is a delight for a photographer and Cate takes her time to capture these delights in full technicolour.

She started her talk with a description of the techniques and equipment before showing us pictures from UK waters which may be cold and a little cloudy at times, but we still have some wonderful creatures.

Off to the warmer parts of the world and to reefs and open water and things got even more spectacular and to many of us frightening with some stunning coral, polyp and shark pictures such as this one taken by Cate and shared here with her permission of a Bull shark with 10/17 mm lens at Beqa Lagoon Fiji March 2010

For those of you who are not photographers, a 10/17mm lens is a wide angle lens that makes things look further away than they really are so this is incredibly up close and personal with the shark

As usual Cate's talk was not just a visual spectacular, but informative as well. The descriptions she gave us of the measures taken to ensure she protects the environment whilst getting the pictures was fascinating.

You can see more of Cate's pictures on-line HERE and a write up of one of her adventures with sharks  HERE.

If you would like to hear more why not join us as she has already offered to talk to us again.
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